01273 455 074 web@acousticse.com

Pre-Concert “Sound Propagation” Test

Post Date

August 5, 2022

Written by: Simon Barrett BSc(Hons) MSc MIOA

Acoustic SE were commissioned to carry out sound pressure level measurements relating to Platinum Jubilee concerts. Acoustic SE are always happy to offer services to local businesses and to play even a small part in celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee certainly fitted the bill. Measurements had to be carried out the day prior to the first of two concerts – a bank holiday – but due to the circumstances this was not a problem.

The Local Authority’s requirements were for the sound pressure level to be no higher than Leq,15min 75dBA at 1 metre from the nearest residential property. The production company BEVEC Ltd, who commissioned Acoustic SE had already plotted the design using the L’Acoustics Sound Vision software and had designed the system accordingly, but the Local Authority still required a suitably qualified 3rd party to ensure compliance.

Liaising with the production engineers and carrying out measurements at the nearest residence and at the Front of House mix position, Acoustic SE were able to ensure that the sound system was set appropriately, that the the productions team’s “SMAART” rig was calibrated and that sound pressure levels at the nearest residence met the requirements of the Local Authority.

Photo: Showing monitoring at the nearest residence.
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