01273 455 074 web@acousticse.com

Case Studies

Kingscote Estate Vineyard – New Function Venue

Kingscote Vineyard were looking to host wedding reception functions within the tithe barn located on the estate. The barn had previously been used for presenting cookery classes and for commercial conferences. As this was a change of use they wanted to ensure that the wedding events did not cause a noise nuisance to nearby residential neighbours. A planning application was also submitted.

Raines Dairy, Stoke Newington, London

£8.9m project to build 51 shared-ownership flats for Peabody Trust. At the time, this was the largest affordable housing project in Britain.

The Adur Tidal Wall Project – Noise & Vibration Prediction/Monitoring

Prediction and long-term monitoring of the levels of noise and vibration arising from piling activities. This is in connection with tidal defences around Shoreham Port and the River Adur at Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex. The project is known as the Adur Tidal Wall Project.

Premier Inn & Beach Residences

Acoustic Associates Sussex Ltd, based at Shoreham Airport, is proud to have been involved in the prestigious Beach Residences and Hotel (Premier Inn) development in the heart of the Worthing seafront in Sussex.

HCCAT – New Educational Building

Acoustic Associates Sussex Limited worked with Morgan Sindall and others to provide detailed input into a new purpose-built school building and concurrent improvements/refurbishments to other educational buildings on the development site. We were part of a multi-disciplinary team facilitating the project through from design to the award of planning permission, subsequent construction and handover.

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