01273 455 074 web@acousticse.com


Team Outing

Team Outing

As it's always so busy around Christmas time we like to have our team gathering later in the year. We thought that July would be the perfect time to get together for lunch at Mowgli in Duke Street followed by a trip up the i360. Although the days before and after were...

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Good Acoustic Design

Good Acoustic Design

Local Authorities are starting to refuse planning on “Good Acoustic Design” grounds More and more we are seeing developers wanting to create new housing on sites which happen to be in noisy locations. This presents some large issues as ultimately, living conditions...

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Team News

Team News

This week we got together for lunch at Perch Pizza in Worthing to celebrate Simon Barrett’s ten-year work anniversary.  Simon is a much valued member of Acoustic South East and brings a wide range of skills to the team.   Not only is he a highly...

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